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Privacy Policy PDF Afdrukken

It is important to us to protect the personal data that we are collecting, processing and using during your visits to our website.

Your data are protected under german law. In accordance with § 13 "Teledienstgesetz" you will find information below, which data is collected during your visit to our website and how it may be used:

Use and disclosure of personal data
If you provide us with personal data, we will use them exclusively and only to answer your questions, to execute contracts with you and for technical administration. Any transfer, sale, rental, etc. to uninvolved third parties does not take place. Your personal information will only be passed or transferred, if it is required and serves the purpose of a contract - in particular the transmission of order data to suppliers - or if this is needed for billing purposes or if you have previously agreed. You allways have the right to withdraw any consent at any time and with immediate effect. The deletion of stored personal data will take place, if you withdrawed your consent to storage, if it is no longer necessary to know these data or if their storage is inadmissible for other legal reasons.

Newsletter / RSS
If you wish to receive our newsletter, we require a valid e-mail address and a verification that you are the owner of that e-mail address and that you (the owner) agree to receive the newsletter. You can withdraw your agreement (to the storage of these data, of the e-mail address and to the usage of them) at any time.

The right to be informed
Upon written request, we will inform you about your stored personal data. You must identify yourself as the person to be given the information, or you have to prove that you are entitled  to receive information about this person.

Changes to the Privacy Policy
The privacy policy can be changed by us at any time. This could occur, for example, when changing the law, if there are loopholes to this Privacy Policy or if the provision of new services make it necessary.

Availability of these Privacy Policy terms
This Privacy Policy can be found under the link Privacy in the footer of every page and can be printed at any time.

Security advice
We strive to protect your personal data by taking all technical and organizational possibilities so that they are not accessible to third parties. When communicating by e-mail the complete data security naturally can not be guaranteed.

External Links / Other Websites
We can assume no liability for links to external content (despite careful control of those content). We do not have control of these external links and third-party content and do not know how the privacy is guaranteed on these sites.

Collection and processing of anonymous data
Each access to our website and each download of a file is logged by a web server log files. The storage serves internal system-related and statistical purposes. Logs will include: name of the file, date and time of access, amount of data transferred, notification of successful download, web browser and requesting domain. Additionally, the IP addresses of the requesting computers are logged. This data is anonymous and not personally identifiable and can not be assigned to a specific person or organization. A compilation of these data with other data sources is not made. Moreover, the data are deleted after a statistical analysis. Additional personal data is only collected if you provide this information voluntarily, for example during an inquiry or registration.

This website uses web analytics cookies (also with respect to the below mentioned web analytics software). They are set primarily to make our site more user-friendly, effective and safer. Cookies are small text files that are put onto your computer and stored by your browser. Most of the cookies we are using are so-called "session cookies". These are automatically deleted after your visit. The Cookies are not harmful to your computer and do not contain any viruses.

Web analytics software
This website uses Piwik - Web analytics, a cookie based web analytics software. For privacy reasons, the services of Google Analytics will not be used. By using this site, you consent to the collection and processing of non-personal information through our web analytics tool. If you do not want that: